Friday, June 29, 2018

Simple Care Tips for the Bathroom Sink

Content originally published and Shared from

At the end of a long day, all we want to do is relax in our comfort zone. However, a home with a dingy bathroom isn’t exactly what we have in mind when we think of comfort, right? Have a pristine, hotel-like bathroom by practicing these tips:

Photo by Dan Watson on Unsplash

Keep your sink from getting scratched
Avoid abrasive cleaners, which can scratch your sink. Those scratches become magnets for grease, soap scum and dirt. Scrubbing the sink with a solution of 1 tablespoon ammonia to 1 gallon of water will dissolve them and bring back your sink’s shine. A solution of 1 teaspoon of trisodium phosphate to a gallon of water effectively removes grease and soap scum build up as well. Also known as TSP, trisodium phosphate, a degreasing agent, can be found at most hardware stores in white powder form. Source: HomeGuides.SFGate

Maintain a clean sink
Regularly wash your sink with soap and water. You can prevent dirt and stains from building up in the first place by gently washing your sink after every use. Use a little dish soap and a soft, non-abrasive sponge, and rinse thoroughly with clean water.  Source: WikiHow

Remove stains right away
De-stain surfaces with lemon juice. We’ve got a sure remedy for stained sinks: Erase those spots with a paste made of one-half cup of powdered borax and the juice of one-half lemon. Dab a sponge in the mixture, rub, and rinse with running water—it’ll work like a charm whether your sink is made of porcelain enamel, stainless steel, or any other material.

Get rid of mineral deposits
Use vinegar on your lime. The white spots that you have so much trouble cleaning off the faucets are lime deposits from mineral-rich hard water. They’re very easy to remove with a secret ingredient that’s already in your pantry: vinegar. Soak a paper towel in vinegar, and wrap the towel around the spotted area. Wait 10 minutes and then buff with a dry paper towel. This works well on all fixtures except brass or colored fixtures; using vinegar on these surfaces may discolor them. Source: RD

Our selection of trendy ceramic sinks will surely fit your budget and needs. Take a look and call us if you need any assistance.


Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta

The post Simple Care Tips for the Bathroom Sink appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Cleaning Tips for Stubborn Toilet Stains

Content originally published and Shared from

Are you finding it difficult to remove ring stains in your toilet? With the following ingredients, you’ll have plenty of effective solutions to choose from.

Image Source: Flickr

Get rid of stubborn toilet bowl stains with a 12-ounce can of Coca-Cola. Pour the full can around the rim of your toilet so it coats the toilet bowl and let the soda sit for an hour. The acid in the Coca-Cola will break down the stains. After an hour, scrub the bowl with a toilet brush and flush. Source: BrightNest

Most people reach for bleach to obliterate toilet germs and stains. However, Green living expert Mark Lallanilla says that plain old white vinegar is not only an effective cleaner, but also safer than chlorine bleach. To eliminate hard water stains, soak toilet paper in vinegar and place directly on top of the stain. Let the vinegar-soaked paper sit overnight. The next morning, flush to rinse and the stains should be gone.

Lallanilla says that full-strength vinegar also works great on grout and caulk. Use a spray bottle to saturate the area and let it soak in for at least an hour before rinsing. Source: TheSpruce

Water softener
Often times stubborn toilet bowl rings are directly the result of hard water deposits. While you can always take some time to clean the ring after it appears, it is usually better to stop the problem from ever forming in the first place. If you can afford to do it, install a water softener in your home and have it maintained properly. This should reduce a large number of water related problems not just in the bathroom, but throughout the rest of the house as well. Source: Cleaning.Tips

Borax powder
Borax powder is a very powerful cleaning agent that’s not found in a supermarket, but in a hardware store. Shut the water supply to the toilet tank and empty the bowl by flushing it once. Sprinkle the powder directly on the stains and rub them with a toilet brush. After scrubbing, let the powder sit for thirty minutes. Then reconnect the water supply to the tank and flush the toilet. Source: Home.HowStuffWork

Why not replace your toilet with top-of-the-line quality and design that still fits your budget? Choose from the ones we have on our website or call us for assistance!


Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta

The post Cleaning Tips for Stubborn Toilet Stains appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Try These 7 Smart Rewrite Tricks To Build Epic Writing Skills

Rewrite Tricks to Build Epic Writing Skills.’s been said that great writing isn’t about the writing — the magic is in the rewriting. None of us write a perfect first draft, so the buffing-and-polishing stage is where your piece goes from ‘yawn’ to fascinating. Over my 12 years as a staff writer, I learned some basic editing steps to take with my writing that reliably improve my work. Applying these to my articles over and over is really how I built my writing skills.

When you correct a writing error over and over in the rewrite phase, you get tired of having to make that effort, right? So you start incorporating the fix into your first draft. Soon, your work needs less rewriting. You get faster at knocking out your draft — and your hourly rate goes up.

Recently, one of my mastermind graduates asked to use her coaching time for a writing critique. Going over her draft with her reminded me of how many simple rewrite tricks I’ve picked up over the years.

It’s actually easy to spot and fix common writing errors in your own work, once you know how.

So, here’s a guide to seven ways to improve your writing skills with second-draft fixes:

1. Start at 10,000 feet and go down

Too often, we start picking apart our writing at the sentence or word level. How many times have you spent hours rewriting the first line or paragraph of an article you wrote, while the rest of the draft waits unwritten? Yeah, me too.

That’s not the fast way to create a strong final draft. Instead, try to spit out your whole first draft, quick as you can.

Then, begin your rewrite with the big picture. Read each paragraph and ask yourself, “Could this paragraph be cut?”

Often, we go off on side trails, or write a paragraph that doesn’t do much beyond recapping something we’ve said in an early paragraph. Chopping entire deadwood grafs out first saves you editing time.

Don’t feel sad about what you cut out — often, you can develop those side trails into new articles! So it’s not all bad news.

From there, proceed to look at your writing more closely.

2. Prevent reader dropoff

Once you’ve cut dead paragraphs, proceed to checking the first and last sentences of all your remaining paragraphs. First sentences need to be interesting, and last sentences need to smoothly pave the way to the opener of the next paragraph.

If you’ve made some cuts, you may have some ironing out of transitions to do here.

Abrupt switches between paragraphs mean you lose readers. They go, ‘huh?’ and give up. It’s worth a few minutes making sure each paragraph neatly sets up the next one.

3. Change up your sentences

If I had to name the top problem I see in writing reviews today, it’s sentences that are too long and winding. Especially when you’re writing online, short punchy sentences work better.

So. You can do this.

Writers with advanced degrees often need retraining on this, but writing for pay usually requires you keep it succinct.

Many writers have a habit of writing sentences in a particular structure — say, three long, connected clauses.

Or maybe you split up many sentences with a set of dashes — as I’m doing here — to inject a related thought mid-sentence. If that middle clause is long, sometimes readers start to lose the drift of your main thought. Use with caution.

Perhaps many of your sentences have a parenthetical phrase (hint: that gets annoying).

Do many of your sentences ask a question? Or end with an exclamation point! That starts to feel a bit amateurish.

Analyze your sentence-construction habits. Then, change it up. Readers will stick with you longer and find your piece more interesting.

4. Hunt and kill word tics

We all have words we use too often. Mine are “just” and “really.”

With this problem, I find it’s easier to just let it slide in the first draft. Then, do a quick pass through your piece in editing to hunt and remove most of the instances.

Get a thesaurus if you have to — but find other words to use that vary your language. It’ll keep readers more interested.

5. Trim your quotes

Many new writers are scared to boil down quotes. But remember, as long as you keep the gist of what the subject said, you’re okay. Most experts actually hope you’ll buff up their quotes and make them sound more intelligent than they really are.

Great quotes are short and punchy, not long and blather-y. One sentence can be amazing. Think of the quotes as the part of the article or blog post that people would want to tweet out to their friends.

Remember, you can always paraphrase the rest of what was said, as a setup to the quote.

You can quote me on this: “Short quotes are awesome and memorable.”

6. Stop just being

Passive and complex past-tense verbs are the enemy of good writing. Yet, they so often crop up in our first drafts. Even worse, I find new writers pack multiple ‘being’ verbs into a single sentence.

As in: “He was thinking about going to the store and getting a beer.”

Instead of: “He thought he might walk to the store and grab a beer.”

Passive verbs can often be cut:

As in: “She was getting tired of being the only one doing the work.”

Becomes: “She was tired of doing everyone else’s work.”

When it comes to verbs, think immediacy and action.

7. Inject personality

Your final stop in a good rewrite is to look at your word choices, especially the adjectives. They set the tone of the piece and reveal the personality or vibe.

Make a pass through your draft and just look at all the descriptive words and phrases. Do they convey the tone you wanted? If not, it’s time to tinker.

Improve your writing skills to earn more

I hope these rewrite tips give you a system for evaluating your draft that makes rewriting go faster.

Strive to speed up your writing process to improve your hourly rate. Especially if you write for publications, efficient writing will be key to earning well.

What rewrite tricks do you use to make your work better? Let’s discuss on Facebook and LinkedIn.

What kind of freelance writer are you? (New Writer, Mid-Career Writer, Just Thinking About Writing?) Tell me and get a free custom report. Get Your Report.

The post Try These 7 Smart Rewrite Tricks To Build Epic Writing Skills appeared first on Make A Living Writing.

from Make A Living Writing

Thursday, June 21, 2018

3 Tips for Buying Carpet on a Budget

You don’t need to spend a fortune just to have your floors covered in carpet. Here are some useful tips that can help you drive down the cost:

3 Tips for Buying Carpet on a BudgetPhoto by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

Opt for in-stock inventory

No matter what type of flooring you want, you’ll save money by selecting in-stock inventory instead of making a special order from a store sample. Floor covering manufactures give big discounts to dealers who buy in bulk and those savings get passed on to customers.

There are probably one or two flooring stores in your area that are known for power-buying, or getting products by the trailer load. Then they stack it deep and sell it cheap! Source: WiseBread

Look out for hidden charges

The carpet itself is just part of the overall cost you will face: underlay, fitting and gripper rods may need to be taken into consideration and included in your budget. This can add a significant amount to the final price as mark-ups for these items are often high.

When getting a quote ask the salesperson to itemise the bill – this way you can see where you may be able to make savings. Source: TheGuardian

Know more about different fibers

For many, nylon is the first carpet fiber that comes to mind when they head out shopping. Nylon does have a long history of proving itself to be very durable and resilient and is the most popular synthetic fiber used in carpet. However, nylon is also the most expensive of the synthetic carpet fibers.

Consider choosing a less expensive fiber for your carpet. Polyester is a great middle-priced option. It has been around for a long time, and, thanks to innovations over the last several years, is more durable than it ever was before. Polyester is naturally stain-resistant and comes in a wide array of styles and colors. A big plus with polyester is that you can get much more vibrant colors than you can in nylon, due to the way the fiber accepts the dyes.​ Source: TheSpruce

Mistakes in installing your newly bought carpet can cause you to spend a whole lot more. Let a professional handle the installation for you. Call us!

The post 3 Tips for Buying Carpet on a Budget appeared first on Curlys Carpet Repair.

from Curlys Carpet Repair

Sunday, June 17, 2018

How to Love the Often-Dreaded Chore of Freelance Marketing

How to Love Freelance Marketing Chores. marketing might feel like a chore. But it’s kind of important. If you don’t do it, you don’t eat. The good news, you can learn to love freelance marketing like I did.

When I first got back into freelancing after years of being a staff writer, I didn’t have to do much freelance marketing.

I called many sources at companies I’d covered at writing for a local business journal, let them know I was freelancing, and it kind of rolled from there.

I called a couple local magazines, pitched them, and got assignments. I answered an ad and found myself writing Web content for a $1 billion corporation.

Looking back, it was a golden time. My career ran easy, like water flowing downhill.

But if you’ve ever sat back and done little to no freelance marketing, you know it’s not a sustainable way to stay fully booked.

It’s a lesson I had to learn the hard way. And I don’t want you to end up in the same situation.

Here’s how I learned to love freelance marketing to move up and earn more:

The trouble with neglecting freelance marketing chores

It never occurred to me that I wasn’t always going to be fully booked. Landing assignments seemed almost effortless.

Then came an economic downturn that started to really take hold. My editors began getting laid off, publications changed, and companies stopped developing content.

I realized I needed to get out there and get serious about freelance marketing. I needed to make new connections and find new clients.

If you’re just starting out, or you’ve been flush with work and now those clients are gone, you know exactly what I’m talking about. What’s the solution?

If you want to grow, get hooked on marketing

At first I thought, “Ugh!” I’d never really sold anything to anyone. But over time, I kind of got hooked on the marketing side of my business. I discovered that in a weird way, it’s fun. No, I’m not kidding.

Now, I enjoy this side of my business, too — maybe not as much as I do writing, but marketing is no longer a dreaded chore for me.

You can learn to love marketing, too. Here are my tips:

1. Keep the online job-ad searching down

At first I wasted hours a day browsing the online job ads, before developing a system for scanning them fast. Now, if I’m looking over online ads, I only taking time to reply to the best prospects. Generally, online job ads are not a source of high-quality leads, so limit your time here, and free up more time for better marketing methods.

2. Learn more about marketing

If you don’t know a lot about marketing, learn. Take a class. Read a book. This is not mystical knowledge. The information you need is out there.

3. Develop a marketing plan

Don’t go in a million directions at once. Take a 3-6 month period, decide what you’re doing, and then consistently do it.

4. Meet live humans

Whether it’s in-person networking, cold-calling, or informally shmoozing up shopkeepers in your town, remember that computers won’t give you a writing gig — only people. If networking makes you nervous, you can learn how to do it.

5. Try different methods

I have done in-person networking at a half-dozen different organizations’ events, some cold-calling, sent queries, answered job ads, used LinkedIn features, promoted my writing on Twitter, built my presence in natural-search results for key words, and more. See what works for you.

6. Approach it like a scientist

Think of your marketing as an experiment. Track what you do and evaluate the results. This helps you take a little bit more dispassionate attitude toward putting yourself out there.

7. Think of it as a game

Instead of feeling all vulnerable and scared, try to detach yourself emotionally from the process. Instead, think of it as a game of Chutes and Ladders. You go here and there, rolling the dice, trying different moves. When you get a win, it’s like Yahtzee.

8. Be impervious to rejection

Learn not to take it personally when you don’t get a gig. Seriously. You want to drop that attitude. It’s just business. Have a businesslike approach to marketing.

9. Persist

This is the most important thing to know. Sending one query letter is not a marketing plan, it’s a waste of time. Know that you will likely have to go hard at it on marketing for at least several months before you start to see the results you want.

I had a revealing conversation with one writer online about a strategy I used that got me a great, $1-a-word new client. She said she’d tried that once and it hadn’t worked. I said, “Oh. I tried it 30-40 times, and it worked once.”

Moral: The persistent marketer gets the gig. So keep going, if you’re serious about writing for a living.

Do your freelance marketing chores

Personally, I marketed aggressively — like mad, really — for about 18 straight months, gradually rebuilding my customer base until I became fully booked. Now, I’m dropping clients and can pick and choose the ones I want again. It feels great, and I know marketing got me here.

How do you market your writing? Let’s discuss on Facebook and LinkedIn.

FREE VIDEO REPLAY: How Freelance Writers Double Their Income. Presented by Carol Tice, Freelance Writers Den Founder and Coach. WATCH NOW

The post How to Love the Often-Dreaded Chore of Freelance Marketing appeared first on Make A Living Writing.

from Make A Living Writing

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

How to Revive Flattened Carpet

Find out how you can make your carpet look like new without having to spend the money to replace it. Here are some easy-to-do tips for you to follow:

How to Revive Flattened CarpetPhoto by Christian Chen on Unsplash

Move your furniture regularly

Carpet pile gets flattened when heavy objects sit on it for too long, so make it a point to slightly adjust heavy furniture periodically to avoid flat spots. Either move your furniture a few inches every few weeks, or rearrange your room entirely to keep your carpet from wearing unevenly and causing flat spots. Try to create new walkways between your furniture, as high traffic can cause flattening of larger areas. When you move your furniture, lift it up entirely off the carpet instead of dragging it to avoid causing extra wear on it that may cause even more flattening. Source: HomeGuides.SFGate

Use an ice cube

To get rid of indentations and bring your carpet back to life, place a single ice cube in the indentation and allow it to melt. Once it has melted, brush the carpet fibers with your fingers to revive them. Do not use a scrub brush; this will be too abrasive and harmful to your carpet! Finish by vacuuming the area, once the carpet is fully dry. Voila! You no longer need to feel like your furniture is chained to the spot. Source: TheSpruce

Use an iron

Place a damp cloth over the indentations. Hold a hot steam iron a few inches above it to allow the moisture to work its way into the pile. Do not let the iron touch the carpet pile. Alternatively, use a hair dryer to warm the pile. While it is still warm, use a spoon, coin or the tips of a fork to gently tease the pile upright. Source: EzineArticles

Does your carpet still look worn even after trying these tips? We can help you out! Call us!

The post How to Revive Flattened Carpet appeared first on Curlys Carpet Repair.

from Curlys Carpet Repair

Tips on Creating an Eco-Friendly Bathroom

Content originally published and Shared from

Every single effort counts when it comes to taking care of the environment. Start practicing environmentally-safe habits right at home by choosing to do the following tips:

Photo by Icons8 team on Unsplash

Buy a low-flow toilet
Toilets use approximately 27% of the water consumed in your home — more than any other appliances or plumbing — including the washing machine, dishwasher and shower. Replacing your old toilet with a low-flow model is a great place to start when greening your bathroom. Newer homes will boast more efficient low-flow toilets installed by their contractor, but those found in older homes can use up to a whopping 7 gallons per flush. While low-flow toilets used to get a bad rap for boasting a less than desirable flush, sometimes requiring users to hit the handle twice, modern low-flow toilets provide ample flushing power while still using just a fraction of the water. Source: Inhabitat

Install aerators
One of the easiest, most cost-effective water conservation measures you can make is the addition of aerators to faucets. These devices, retailing for less than $5, screw onto the faucet head and add air to lower water flow from 2 to 4 gpm down to 1 gpm, but still provide a feeling of high water pressure. Source: AngiesList

Use organic towels
Next time you have to replace your bath towels, choose organic cotton. Conventional cotton is one of the most water-intensive and polluting crops on the planet. Don’t go out and replace your perfectly good old towels with organic ones, though. The lowest-impact choice you can make is to buy nothing. But when your old towels are starting to fall apart, go organic. Source: Care2

Switch to a tankless water heater
Replacing a tanked water heater with a tankless model will reduce the amount of energy consumed and the cost to heat water. A tankless water heater will heat only what is needed, when it’s needed. Plus, it doesn’t require a pilot light, so it emits less carbon dioxide and improves indoor air quality. Source: HGTV

A dual flush toilet can help you minimize your water consumption. Choose from the latest models as you browse through our website or call us for assistance.


Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta

The post Tips on Creating an Eco-Friendly Bathroom appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Pitch This Exceptional Breed to Get the Best Freelance Clients

Breed Success with the Best Freelance Clients. you tired of working teeny, one-off writing jobs for small publications and one-horse businesses? To get the best freelance clients, you’ll have to stop wasting time on the small fry and target a whole different category of prospect.

These terrific clients aren’t in one particular industry, but spread through every type of business and organization. These are clients where the amount you earn from them tends to grow effortlessly over time. Unlike most of the solopreneur types, who tend to sputter out and go bust. Right?

The best freelance clients all have a single trait in common. Target only organizations that have this trait, and it will help you find ongoing work at great rates.

Let me introduce you to one of the best client types out there, no matter what type of freelance writing you do.

The best freelance clients are growing

If you want your writing income to grow fast, there’s a simple answer: You need to find fast-growing companies.

Why? Here are some common traits of fast-growing companies and why they’re some of the best freelance clients to have:

  • Growth rate exceeds hiring rate. HR just can’t hire fast enough to keep up with marketing needs. Freelancers fill the gap.
  • Expertise needs change. As they expand into new regions, products, and services, they need writing expertise their staff lacks — and turn to freelance writers.
  • Ongoing work. An initial freelance gig with a fast-grower often turns into an ongoing relationship, as they continually have overflow work staff can’t handle. That means less marketing and more assignments for you.
  • There’s profit in their chaos. Fast growth often means disorganization, which can lead to high rates for rush work.
  • The budget balloons. Their marketing (or editorial) budget tends to grow over time, along with the company’s growth.

Doesn’t that beat having to constantly market to a bunch of flakey, floundering companies that give you one small gig and then disappear on you? I think it does.

My fast-grower story

Here’s how I discovered the power of fast-growing clients.

One of my first and best freelance clients was a fast-growing, global insurance and healthcare consultancy. I was originally brought aboard to do a revamp of their website. Two and a half years later, I was still writing — and had negotiated my way up to $95 an hour.

Every month, they’d have a new development: Opening a new office in Singapore, it needs a new landing page! We’re introducing a new piece of software or consulting service! Just finished a big client project and need a case study on the success! They always had more projects than they could handle in-house.

That’s the classic scenario in fast-growing companies, and why they’re some of the best freelance clients to go after.

Finding fast-growing publications

If you feel sad because you only write for publications, don’t cry. Some magazines grow fast, too. Yes, reports of the demise of all print have been exaggerated!

New magazines continue to launch and grow, fortunes change, and old-time publications take off.

Think of every magazine or website that covers U.S. politics, right now.  The New York Times never made so much as it did last year.

Successful freelancing has always been about following the money. Targeting fast-growing publications is one way to do just that. Those publications tend to start new columns, add editorial pages, spin off new magazines, start a book division. Investigate the opportunities and you might discover one of your soon-to-be best freelance clients.

7 Ways to find fast growers

There are lots of ways to identify fast-growing companies. Here are a few tried-and-true methods:

  1. Local fast-growing lists. If you’re in a major U.S. city, check out the fastest-growing lists of public and private companies in your local business journal. They are a gold mine!
  2. The Inc. 5000. Heads-up, writers — the Inc. list rankings are compiled based on 3-year compounded annual growth. It’s a huge list of fast-growing companies! Cherry-pick companies in your chosen industries from it.
  3. E&Y Entrepreneurs. Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year awards are chock-full of leaders at the helm of fast-growing companies. That’s how they get nominated.
  4. Who’s getting money. When startups get venture-capital money, they usually raise it because they’re already growing fast, or they use that funding to accelerate growth. Use Crunchbase, AngelList, or the Venture Capital Association‘s website to search up news of companies that recently scored investor money.
  5. Local & national publications. Read national and local business journals, business magazines, or the business section of your daily paper. Profile subjects are often chosen because they’re acquiring competitors, introducing new products or services, or busting other growth moves.
  6. Track media trends. For intel on fast-growing publications, check out the Association of Magazine Media’s annual factbook. It’s bursting with trend tips on which categories of publications are thriving. Watch for monthly reports on which magazines added the most advertising pages, too.
  7. Check out The Writer’s Market online. When you subscribe to The Writer’s Market (yes, it’s my link) with online support, you get access to online updates with breaking news on emerging magazines and growth trends. Great way to get ahead of the curve on publications that are on the upswing.

With these techniques, you should be able to quickly find a ton of good fast-growth prospects.

Industries with the most fast-growers

One of the beauties of targeting fast-growing organizations is they exist in every industry. But in an analysis based on the Inc. 5000 list, conservative think tank The Brookings Institution identified the sectors with the most fast-growers — here are the top five, in ranking order:

  1. Technology — You knew that, right? A new type of software comes on the market and explodes, seems like every day. The beauty here is there’s so much within tech, from hardware, SaaS, apps, mobile devices, smart appliances, and more. Including software, this niche has more than twice as many fast-growing startups as the next category.
  2. Advertising/marketing — I’m sure you’ve noticed the content marketing boom. The internet, YouTube, and the fragmentation of TV into hundreds of channels have combined to give us many new ways and places to reach customers. Messenger marketing-bot startups, anyone?
  3. Business services — You keep hearing B2B is a great area to mine — and here’s the proof. Over 2,000 companies in this arena made the Inc. 5000 fast-growing list. This category includes many industries — should be something for every writer in here.
  4. Health — It’s nearly 18 percent of all consumer spending, at this point. And no indiciators people plan to stop smoking, drinking, sitting, and getting sick. This niche also overlaps with tech a good deal, with medical-records electronic solutions, biotech, medical devices and more.
  5. Government services — This is the most overlooked niche in all of freelance writing, serving government needs. In recent years, federal agencies have been under orders to outsource more…and under the current administration, the oodles of unfilled positions may be driving more freelance contracts, too. The bonus? Winning bidders are a public record, so you can look them up online and know who might need help with a big writing project for federal, state, regional, provincial, or local government agencies.

Hopefully, knowing where the big sectors are that generate many fast-growing companies helps you focus your marketing efforts.

Your pitch template for fast growers

Here’s the final thing that makes targeting fast-growing companies so beautiful: You know just what to say to them in your pitch letter!

These are companies that tend to crank out press releases about their wins. Read up, and then pitch away.

The basic template goes like this:


As a freelance writer who specializes in [their industry], your recent news about X Company’s recent [acquisition, completed venture funding round, new product, European expansion, etc.] caught my eye.

[Brief flattery zone here] Your company seem to be [on the cutting edge with new-product development, innovation in your industry, grabbing market share, etc.].

I’m wondering if you need help getting the word out about X Company’s success?

[Specific thing you have experience in, that you noticed they need: ie, “In all the excitement, I notice that your blog hasn’t been updated in a few months. That’s something I could get moving for you again.”]

[CTA here — would it make sense to hop on a call, may I send you some clips, I’ll call you next week to gauge your interest, etc.]


Simple enough, yes? Also a plus for pitching these prospects: Those announcements fast-growers make usually have a marketing contact right on them, that serves as a good person to pitch. Boom!

Let fast-growers help you effortlessly earn more

Hitch your star to these fast-growing companies, and you should see your own freelance income grow as well. As you work with these companies, watch for new initiatives where you could pitch them more writing projects.

A final note: High-growth companies tend to be small and young. Qualify them carefully, to make sure they’re stable enough to be reliable payers. Asking for a 50% up-front deposit is a must here.

Ever worked for a fast-growing company? Let’s discuss on Facebook or LinkedIn.

Get the best freelance clients - join Freelance Writers Den 2X Income Accelerator

The post Pitch This Exceptional Breed to Get the Best Freelance Clients appeared first on Make A Living Writing.

from Make A Living Writing

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

5 Ways on How to Achieve a Well-Maintained Bathroom

Content originally published and Shared from


The bathroom is mostly the bane of most proud homeowners’ life. It is probably the place that you spend most time cleaning since it is the place where there is a constant battle against grime, bacteria, mold, and dirt. As a result, it is essential to maintain a clean and fresh bathroom.


With that, here are a few tips on how you can achieve this:

1. Adequate storage.

Having your bathroom in order and throwing out any unnecessary items can go a long way when cleaning your bathroom and creating adequate space. Most probably, you have a lot of products in your bathroom that are not necessary and rarely use them.


These items and products such as used empty shampoo containers, conditioners containers and other bottles take up space in your bathroom, creating a feeling of crowdedness in your bathroom. Crowded areas are more difficult to clean and maintain. Get rid of these unused items and leave only useful products. If you do not have a drawer or cupboard, you can put them in one container to make it more organized.

2. Ventilation is crucial.

When taking showers and baths a lot of steam is produced. You should know that proper ventilation is vital to get rid of this steam. The steam tends to settle on the bathroom walls which can cause molds to grow. If your bathroom does not have a window, then you can install an extractor fan to get rid of the steam. Even though this seems like a tedious job, it is essential. Having a damp bathroom will always be unhygienic, unpleasant and dirty.

3. Get rid of the curtains wet materials.

Shower curtains are subjected to a lot of moisture regularly, and they are rarely adequately dried. Dump curtains create a conducive environment for bacteria to breed which is not good for you if you want a clean and hygienic bathroom. To avoid this, you should swap the curtains with simple, and modern shower screen which are easy to wipe clean after using your bathroom. Shower screens are easy to maintain. You do not have to swap them each time to make your bathroom look more spacious.


You can also exchange your curtains with easy-to-clean blinds which will give your bathroom a fresher look and also molds are much less likely to grow in them. Also, it is important to dry all other wet materials like towels, and bathmat after every use. If molds grow in your bathroom, you can look for solutions from mold removal experts Ferro Canada.

4. Avoid oil stains or rings.

Getting rings and stains out is not a fun thing to do, and therefore, you should avoid their formation as much as possible. Avoid the formation of oil stains and rings by rinsing your bathtub using warm water. If the stains are already formed, clean and scrub the tub using abrasive cleaners. You should clean as often as possible in order to maintain a spotless bathroom.

5. Clean grout.

There are little crevices between the tiles in your bathrooms which can hold drops of water which can easily lead to the growth of mold and mildew. You can use a mixture of water and bleach to scrub the tile to clean bacteria out and prevent the development of molds. Also, do not forget to remove the bleach with warm water and a pH neutral cleaner to protect your skin and eyes from burning while you use the shower next time.


It is essential to maintain your bathroom on a regular basis since it is the one place that can easily be affected by bacterias. The bathroom should be a comfort zone for you everytime you use it. The above few tips will help you maintain a clean and hygienic bathroom.

Contributed by: Foremost experts in bathroom design and function.

The post 5 Ways on How to Achieve a Well-Maintained Bathroom appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

3 Flooring Options for the Elderly

One of the most important aspects of designing a home for the safety and comfort of senior citizens living there is deciding which type of flooring will suit them best. To help you narrow down your options, choose from the following:

3 Flooring Options for the ElderlyPhoto by Jean-Philippe Delberghe on Unsplash


For elderly people who fall frequently, a hardwood or ceramic tile floor offers no cushioning. Even if the older person is able to break their fall, they can still suffer hand and wrist injuries.

Rubber flooring provides a softer landing, and you can add additional padding under the floor tiles for extra cushioning. Seniors often have porous bones that can break with just minor impact so every bit of protection can mean the difference between a serious and minor injury.

Do not think of the rubber mats you have in your showers when visualizing rubber floor tiles. They come in varieties that look similar to regular carpeted, hardwood or ceramic tile floors.

In addition to providing protection from hard impacts during falls, soft floors are also great for seniors who suffer from sore joints and similar ailments. You can select padding of various thicknesses depending on the severity of the condition. The soft surface helps ease pain caused by simply walking down the hallway, especially during periods of cold weather when rheumatism can be at its worst. Source: EzineArticles


⦁ Soft: Carpet is a very cushiony material that is comfortable underfoot and provides some protection against injury from falls.

⦁ Warm: Carpet is relatively neutral when it comes to temperature: it doesn’t retain heat or cold like many hard flooring materials. While it doesn’t insulate against cold, it’s much nicer on a cold morning than ceramic tile, for example.

⦁ Quiet: Carpet absorbs sound and is virtually silent to walk on.  Source:TheSpruce


Another easy-to-clean-and-maintain option for seniors is cork flooring. Besides reducing energy loss because of its insulating values, cork flooring offers solid traction for seniors or anyone who walks on it, helping prevent slips and falls because of slick floors. All cork needs is an occasional sweeping or vacuuming to keep it clean. This floor option is also stain resistant. Source: HomeGuides.SFGate

The post 3 Flooring Options for the Elderly appeared first on Curlys Carpet Repair.

from Curlys Carpet Repair

Sunday, June 3, 2018

VIDEO: The $20K Quarter (Secrets of Successful Freelance Writers)

The Secret Lives of Successful Freelance Writers. wish you could be a fly on the wall at the home of some successful freelance writers, and figure out what they do to earn more?

Well, now you can.

You see, I am that fly — I spend a lot of time talking on Zoom to high-earning freelance writers in my Freelance Writers Den 2X Income Accelerator. That’s my 6-month mastermind program for doubling your income.

With the permission of a few of my coaching grads, I’ve put together a 20-minute video where you can eavesdrop on writers who earn $80,000 a year — and writers who’re scheming on how to get there.

The raw reality of high-earning writers

Warning: This is raw, unvarnished reality video here. We’re all in our living rooms wearing whatever, with kids and dogs and what-all going on behind us! Also, the video jumps around a bit, as I’m blocking out writers who aren’t interviewed in this video, to respect their privacy.

Listen in as I give the writers some on-the-fly coaching on how to earn even more. They also brainstorm with their group on how to up their game, too.

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to get mastermind and coaching support, this video shows you what a powerful shortcut to success a mastermind can be. Enjoy!

Video: Watch successful freelance writers in action

Highlights of this video include:

  • Karen explains all of the small steps that transformed her business
  • We strategize with Ann-Marie about quick steps to take that build income higher
  • Craig talks about the niche that grew his income so much, he was able to move to a safer city and better apartment
  • And loads more

Enjoy the video:

Learn to be a more successful freelance writer

I hope this video gave you a shot of inspiration. Remember, what you earn from writing now doesn’t have to be what you’ll earn forever. Radical increases are possible!

With a strong writer support group and a coach to work with you, big changes can happen.

P.S. If you’d like me to be that coach, a new Den 2X Income Accelerator class begins June 11.

Become successful freelance writers - Double your writing income. LEARN HOW! Freelance Writers Den 2X

The post VIDEO: The $20K Quarter (Secrets of Successful Freelance Writers) appeared first on Make A Living Writing.

from Make A Living Writing